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We Lost 800 Pounds:
Robin and Jackie

We Lost 800 Pounds: Robin and Jackie will tell the stories of 2 amazing women, Jackie Finley & Robin Moran, who both have experienced a significant weight loss. Read Full Synopsis...

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We Lost 800 Pounds:
Robin and Jackie (2006)

Executive Producer: Bill Hayes
Producer/Writer/Director: Jen Stocks
Full Credit List


We Lost 800 Pounds: Robin and Jackie will tell the stories of 2 amazing women, Jackie Finley & Robin Moran, who both have experienced a significant weight loss. Jackie’s weight loss is a result of bariatric surgery. Her beginning weight was 627
pounds and she now weighs 227 pounds. Her weight loss journey has not been easy, and she has dealt with many surgical complications. In We Lost 800 Pounds: Robin and Jackie, Jackie will have additional surgeries, her sister will leave her to return to New York, and Jackie will have to find a way to function on her own after a year of having her sister around to always take care of her. Watching Jackie FINALLY make a life for herself in the "outside" world will truly be rewarding.

Robin has lost 400 pounds on her own, without surgery. She is now experiencing a life she once only dreamed of. She will have 2 debulking surgeries on her right leg, which is quite enlarged due to severe lymphodema. These surgeries will increase Robin’s mobility and independence even more. She has just recently begun DATING again, after decades of being alone. She's also having some cosmetic surgeries done- lasik eye surgery and new teeth. Now that she's "on the market" her appearance has become even more important to her. Throughout their weight loss journey, Robin and Jackie have created a support system for each other and will meet face to face for the first time.


Contact Jackie

Since the first airing of Jackie's Story, we have received numerous questions regarding Jackie's condition and how she might be reached for communication.

If you would be interested in messaging Jackie, she can be reached at:


Our Recommendation

We Lost 800 Pounds: Robin and Jackie is a follow-up to 627 Lb Woman: Jackie's Story and Super Obese. Thanks to tremendous response received from both of these shows, we were able to complete this sequel to the story of these two heart warming women.


We Lost 800 Pounds: Robin and Jackie
Cast and Credits

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