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Raising 16 Children
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar decided to let God dictate how
many children they would have and to date he’s been most generous!

In the months following the airing of Advanced Medical Production’s first hour with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s remarkable family: 14 Children and Pregnant Again, it became clear that, whether viewers agree or disagree with the Duggar’s unusual lifestyle, everyone is fascinated with the “hows and whys” of everything Duggar. Read Full Synopsis...

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Raising 16 Children (2006)
Executive Producer: Bill Hayes
Produced By: Deanie Wilcher
Written and Directed By: Kirk Streb
Full Credit List


16 and counting...?

In the months following the airing of Advanced Medical Production’s first hour with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s remarkable family: 14 Children and Pregnant Again, it became clear that, whether viewers agree or disagree with the Duggar’s unusual lifestyle, everyone is fascinated with the “hows and whys” of everything Duggar.

In the second one-hour episode with the Duggars, we build on the many interesting aspects of the family that have captured the nation’s imagination. And, as usual, we discover that even the routine parts of life seem to take on epic proportions when undertaken by a family with 15 children and one more on the way.

The adventure begins with an ending—the last days in the only home most of the Duggar kids have ever known (in fact, several of the kids were actually born in the house). We watch as the family prepares to move to a rental house that will serve as their temporary headquarters prior to the completion of their 7000 square foot dream home. Of course, like every other aspect of their existence, this move is executed with supreme organization, teamwork and that endless supply of optimism that seems to be a genetic trait encoded into each and every Duggar.

But, hold on to your work gloves, because this move is unlike anything you have ever seen. Calling on the generosity of several dozen of their friends, the Duggars turn their move into a sort of barn raising in reverse. In a matter of just 90 minutes, the house they’ve lived in for 15 years will be completely emptied. And, in little more time than that, the new house will be completely filled and arranged to the point that the family is ready to host their first communal meal with friends.

With life back to an even keel it doesn’t take the Duggars long to get back to their routine, if the word routine can ever be fairly applied to a family with 15 kids! One part of their routine is a yearly trip to Texas to an annual meeting of fellow home schoolers. That’s right, the entire family from baby Jackson all the way up to oldest brother Josh, will load into the family RV and van and caravan the 9 hour trip. Once again, organization is the key. Food, clothing, games, and all the necessities of traveling with a clan ranging in age from 17 to less than a year are all carefully loaded into the vehicles and the fun begins. But, not without a bump or two…

Once in Texas, we enter the fascinating world of Christian home schooling. This is a place where the Duggars don’t look different… they look normal. The girls and boys are split into various activities based on age and… of course, gender. While the boys learn outdoor skills the girls are taught some of the finer points of childcare. And, of course, everyone gets to learn new Bible verses!!

And, of course, what show about the Duggars would be complete without the birth of a new child? This hour of Duggar-mania will end with the latest addition to the family. We’ll get all the details and a bit of video from the event and leave the viewer with the promise of a whole new chapter in the Duggar’s lives as they move their newly expanded family into their newly completed home.


AMP Recommendation

Visit the Duggar's family website at:


Raising 16 Children
Cast and Credits

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