The Discovery Channel

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No Arms Needed

Unmasked: Treacher Collins Syndrome

Joined for Life

The Bald Truth

Joined at Birth

Immortality on Ice

Hospital (Series)


Joined For Life: Abby and Brittany Turn 16

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Surviving Sextuplets and Twins

14 Children and Pregnant Again!

Raising 16 Children

On the Road with 16 Children

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Saving Life and Limb (ep 2)

Spinal Impact

The Mysteries of Cold Water Survival

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Animal Operation (Series)
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So You Are Thinking of Caring for a Child with Special Needs

Call Me If You Need Me

A Week in the Life of the DUMC Neonatal

Preparing for Spinal Surgery: For Teenagers with Severe Scoliosis

Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

Exercise Tolerance and Cardiolite Imaging: A Patient Orientation

The Hole in Sheldon's Chart

Caring for Your Central Line
Joined For Life
The amazing story of Abigail and Brittany Hensel

Abby and Brittany Hensel are eleven-year-old conjoined twins (the scientific and politically correct term for Siamese twins). They are intelligent, energetic, fun-loving girls who just happen to share one set of legs and one set of arms - each girl controlling one half of their conjoined body. Read Full Synopsis...

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Joined For Life (2002)
Produced By: Courtney Everett Enlow
Directed By: Bill Hayes
Written By: Kirk Streb
Full Credit List


In their own words, they are “just two people…stuck together.”

Abby and Brittany Hensel are eleven-year-old conjoined twins (the scientific and politically correct term for Siamese twins). They are intelligent, energetic, fun-loving girls who just happen to share one set of legs and one set of arms - each girl controlling one half of their conjoined body.

In their own words, they are “just two people…stuck together.”

How can two people live in such close and constant proximity for an entire lifetime? The very concept challenges one of the most central notions of the human experience - individuality.

The challenges are both big and small.

How do they communicate with each other to move…run… ride a bike… play sports…and even piano? How does their condition affect their health? What happens to one if the other becomes ill? How do they keep from sharing answers on tests? Do they both like the same food, music or even the same boy? Do they ever yearn to be alone?

In short, how can two individuals share one body?

The Hensel twins and their family have agreed to share their lives with us for the next year as we tell the story of two of the most fascinating and unique young ladies ever born.

We'll wake up with them in the morning. We'll see them attend school, play basketball and volleyball for their school team (they count as one player), perform their piano recital, and accompany them on visits to their doctors.

They will share their lives and innermost thoughts as they keep an on going “video diary.”

Along the way we’ll unravel some of the mysteries of their complex medical condition, as well as their daily social challenges.

What happens when Abby and Brittany leave the accepting world of their friendly midwestern town? How do they deal with the stares and insensitive questions of strangers? How do their doctors diagnosis and treat them? How do they settle their own disagreements?

Abby and Brittany Hensel present a rare opportunity - they help us to see even the most mundane moments in life as extraordinary. They remind us that life’s challenges can make us stronger and better.

Perhaps most of all, they teach us by example that individuality has little to do with one’s physical condition… it springs from the heart and soul.




Coming Soon...

5 years ago, Advanced Medical Productions brought you the story of two amazing young conjoined women. We're pleased to announce that they've allowed us a further glimpse into their lives as they now prepare to turn 16.

Stay tuned for production updates and in the meantime, enjoy this personal message from Abigail and Brittany Hensel.

If you enjoyed this film...

You might also enjoy Conjoined at the Head. Originally aired on the National Geographic Channel, it chronicles three very different stories of twins and individuals who must fare with the rarest and sometimes most complicated of all conjoined conditions.




Joined For Life
Cast and Credits

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