307 W. Weaver St. Carrboro, NC 27510
Rob Hutchison
Dylan the Dog

Trailblazer Studios
Post Production

Ellen Ozier Hayes

Scott Enlow
Director of Photography

Stacie Schwarz

Scott Pearson




Kirk Streb is a very talented fellow. A producer, director, writer, editor, composer and narrator, Kirk is the creative brain trust of Advanced Medical Productions. Having worked with Bill Hayes over the last 19 years, they can virtually read each other's minds (which can be frightening to both of them!).
"Bill taught me everything he knows and I taught him everything I know. Our next goal is to teach someone else everything we know and relax."
As a little boy in Iowa, Kirk hung out in his basement and worked tirelessly to escape the probing eyes of his parents- teaching himself to play guitar and enjoying his creative solitude- a skill that would serve him well later when he spent 16-hour days in the edit suite.
Kirk enjoyed college so much he stayed for eight years (with some time off for bad behavior). Eventually graduating from the University of Iowa with a Bachelor's Degree, he headed out into the cruel world and immediately began freelancing in various aspects of television production.
"I've had an amazing knack for convincing people I can do things I've never actually done before and amazing luck at never being found out."
Over the years he's lost count of all the programs he's worked on, but the thrill never goes away.
"Television productions is sort of like college- you immerse yourself in a topic, learn it, and, instead of a final exam, you turn in a television program. Then, start afresh with something new. We meet incredible people, have access to places most people never see and travel to locations I'd probably never have gone. I'd be crazy to complain."
But making television is not the only artistic skill Kirk possesses. He's a published songwriter, he's co-written a feature length screenplay and occasionally likes to express himself with oil paints and canvas.
His "free" time is usually spent matching wits with his 13 year old daughter, mountain biking, practicing karate and dreaming up his next windmill to chase.
Bill Hayes
Deanie Wilcher
Jen Stocks
Bergan Sipe

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