The Discovery Channel

Miracle Man: John of God

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Miracle Man: John of God
The story of hope, faith, the unexplainable and the unbelievable

Just outside the small town of Abadiania, Brazil, one of the most unusual people in the world is about to see a group of strangers dressed in white. He is known to westerners as John of God. They call him a spiritual medium, trance surgeon, healer and miracle worker. What he does and how he does it defies conventional logic. Read Full Synopsis...

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Miracle Man: John of God (2005)
Produced & Directed By: Bill Hayes
Written By: Kirk Streb
Full Credit List


This film will challenge your understanding of how we interact with the spirit world and the notions of healing with assistance from the other side.

Just outside the small town of Abadiania, Brazil, one of the most unusual people in the world is about to see a group of strangers dressed in white. He is known to westerners as John of God. They call him a spiritual medium, trance surgeon, healer and miracle worker. What he does and how he does it defies conventional logic.

For over 40 years, John of God has received visitors as a doctor might receive patients. Even though he is not a doctor and has no formal schooling beyond the fourth grade, he has performed countless physical operations – for free. He uses no anesthesia and patients report little pain. He scraps eyes, inserts surgical clamps up noses and makes incisions with simple instruments – all while he is supposedly taken over by spirits. There is very little bleeding, few reports of infections and numerous reports of improved health – both spiritually and physically.

John of God says that God and over 30 compassionate spirits are working through him and he does not remember what he did once he comes out of his trance. We watch him perform these unusual surgeries and follow several people from around the world with various physical problems as they seek help from him and the spirit world.

Laura Van Wagner from Maui has come to John of God to treat a life threatening cancer. Her lymphoma is causing rapid tumor growth in her throat. Kristy First was paralyzed in a car accident in Florida and wants to regain the use of her legs. Roland Nip from Honolulu has been diagnosed with defective heart valve. Izzy Zalcberg, who suffers from depression has traveled from Chicago to Brazil with his wife who has been diagnosed with an incurable cancer. Lynn Debenham, the south of England, will undergo a physical surgery to remove a tumor on her back.

Doctors, as well as patients, are constantly traveling to Brazil to observe the man who can reportedly heal others using spiritual assistance. Reverend Doug Busby, MD from LaPorte, Indiana is a doctor who specializes in preventive

medicine. For him, John of God may hold the key to connecting the world of prayer and healing. Philip Bechtel, MD is a neurosurgeon from Fort Worth, Texas who has been to see John of God eleven times. He operates on the deadliest of brain tumors and is looking for a means to help his desperately ill patients. These two highly respected medical doctors have not only observed John of God on several occasions, they have assisted him with surgery. They offer their opinions as to what might be occurring at the healing center known as the Casa de Dom Inacio.


AMP Recommendation

For further reading on the subject of John of God and his healing ministries in Brazil, we would like to endorse Emma Bragdon's wonderful book, "Spiritual Alliances." Ms. Bragdon has been a wonderful resource and friend throughout the creation process of this show. Please visit her website at: to order this fascinating read.

SPIRITUAL ALLIANCES reveals ancient dimensions to healing that have been forgotten by conventional medicine. One day these methods will be taught in our medical schools because of a compelling reason: they work. For a look at the majestic power of consciousness, compassion, and prayer in healing, Dr. Emma Bragdon's book is highly recommended.

- Larry Dossey, MD
Author "Healing Beyond The Body, Reinventing Medicine," and "Healing Words"
Executive Editor, "Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine"




Martin’s Miracle

After 30 years a paraplegic and wheelchair user, paralysed from the waist down, TV Producer, Martin Duffy intends to do something he previously believed impossible. He intends to walk again.

A surprise email led Martin to the Casa de Dom Inácio in Brazil where he met the Miracle Man – John of God and witnessed first-hand seemingly unexplainable, miraculous cures - cancer, aids, blind people regaining sight and the lame walking again.

Martin is shifting his perceptions and exercising his mind, body and spirit to manifest Martin’s Miracle - a fit and able body cured of paraplegia.

Martin has published a website to share his story, healing tips, helpful products and discoveries to encourage others to expect success in their lives too. Martin is also producing Martin’s Miracle Radio, Martin’s Miracle TV and Martin’s Miracle Podcasts. His motto is Expect Success. For more information go to


Miracle Man: John of God
Cast and Credits

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