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No Arms Needed

Unmasked: Treacher Collins Syndrome

Joined for Life

The Bald Truth

Joined at Birth

Immortlity on Ice

Hospital (Series)


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The Operation (Series)



Saving Life and Limb

Saving Life and Limb (ep 2)

Spinal Impact

The Mysteries of Cold Water Survival

  Breed All About It (Series)

Animal Operation (Series)
  Conjoined at the Head  
  Max's Magical Delivery: Fit for Kids

So You Are Thinking of Caring for a Child with Special Needs

Call Me If You Need Me

A Week in the Life of the DUMC Neonatal

Preparing for Spinal Surgery: For Teenagers with Severe Scoliosis

Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

Exercise Tolerance and Cardiolite Imaging: A Patient Orientation

The Hole in Sheldon's Chart

Caring for Your Central Line

Run Time: 49 minutes
Format: Color, NTSC
Genre: Emergency Medicine
Produced For: TLC
First Aired: June 2003
Saving Life and Limb
Severed Limbs






Saving Life and Limb: Severed Limbs (2003)

Produced By:
Advanced Medical Prod.
Directed By: Bill Hayes
Written By: Kirk Streb



Episode Title - Severed Limbs

There are few injuries more horrifying than the severing of a limb…and few surgeries more astonishing than those that reattach body parts.

Through dramatic reenactments, video archives and live surgical footage, Severed Limbs portrays the stories of individuals who suffered traumatic amputations, but were fortunate enough to have their limbs reattached thanks to medical science, quick thinking by friends/family and a big dose of luck!

Ten year old Sheridan Brenton’s right arm was torn from his body in a car accident. After enduring over 20 surgeries in a year and a half, Sheridan has returned to his normal routine. His attitude though out his painful rehabilitation has been an inspiration to all those around him.

Robert Holmes arrives at Vanderbilt Hospital with all four fingers on his left hand completely cut off. Dr. Douglas Weikart carefully reattaches the fingers in a surgery using wires, microscopes and sutures thinner than human hairs.

Kenric Davis lost his thumb in an accident with a gun. Now, his surgeon, Dr. Scott Levin, will give Kenric a new thumb in a bizarre surgery that removes his big toe and replants it on his hand.

Phillip Lindsley is an outdoorsman living in a remote corner of Oregon. His life changed forever after an accident at a sawmill severed his left hand at the wrist. Racing against time and severe weather, EMS struggled to get him to the nearest trauma surgeons in time for a successful reattachment.

Jerry Fisher lost his hand in a fireworks explosion years ago. Since that time he’s lived his life with a hook as a hand. Now, surgeons in Louisville, Kentucky propose to replace Jerry’s hook with a “donor” hand in a revolutionary procedure- a hand transplant.


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