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Preparing for Spinal Surgery: For Teenagers with Severe Scoliosis

Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

Exercise Tolerance and Cardiolite Imaging: A Patient Orientation

The Hole in Sheldon's Chart

Caring for Your Central Line
House of Twins
Because happiness comes in bundles of 2

Here’s a conversation starter for the next trip to the water cooler: “Did you hear about the family that had three sets of twins in 6 years? Read Full Synopsis...

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House of Twins (2005)
Produced By: Courtney Everett Enlow
Directored & Written By: Kirk Streb
Full Credit List


“Did you hear about the family that had three sets of twins in 6 years?”

Here’s a conversation starter for the next trip to the water cooler:
“Did you hear about the family that had three sets of twins in 6 years?”

No, this is not a set up for a punch line. It’s the set up for Marla and Christopher Davis’s surprising voyage into the world of parenting. Yes, the couple has… without fertility drugs… without family history… defied the one in a million odds and had three sets of twins. Their rapidly expanding family now consists of two 6-year olds, two 4-year olds and two newborns.

No doubt, the majority of the questions that would float around that water cooler start with the words: “how do they…?” Rest easy water cooler hanger outers, the answers are on the way.

Advanced Medical Productions has been invited into the Davis home to learn the secrets of how they manage their unlikely life.

Much like the Davis household, this television voyage will need organization. We’ll start at, you guessed it, the beginning- of the day.

Who eats first? Who feeds whom? Who dresses whom? Who changes whose diapers? Who goes where?

Soon, dad’s out the door to work… the oldest twins are off to school… and it’s just Mom, two newborns and two 4-year olds- not exactly quiet time!

As we continue around the clock with the Davis clan, we’ll learn how an average family can take a seemingly impossible task and actually make it look, well… possible!

Along the way we’ll learn about:

- Laundry
- Groceries
- Doctor visits
- The story of each birth
- The science of twinning
- The art of parenting multiple multiples
- Family trips to the relatives
- Family fun and family fights



For More Big Families:

The Duggar Family
-    14 Children and Pregnant Again!
                                          Raising 16 Children
                                          On the Road with 16 Children

The Gosselin Family
- Surviving Sextuplets and Twins


House of Twins
Cast and Credits

Click to show full credit list


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