The Discovery Channel

Miracle Man: John of God

No Arms Needed

Unmasked: Treacher Collins Syndrome

Joined for Life

The Bald Truth

Joined at Birth

Immortality on Ice

Hospital (Series)


Joined For Life: Abby and Brittany Turn 16

Twins, Twins & More Twins

Surviving Sextuplets and Twins

14 Children and Pregnant Again!

Raising 16 Children

On the Road with 16 Children

Dwarf Family: Meet the Fooses

We Lost 800 Pounds: Robin and Jackie

627 Pound Surgery: Jackie's Story

Super Obese

House of Twins

Miracle Steps

Transgender Teens

Unlocking the Jaw

Clark Howard: Dollars and Sense

Ultimate Body Challenge
Forrest's Story
Nicole's Story
Pat and Allison's Story
Courtney's Story

Continuing Medical Education (Series)

21st Century Medicine (Series)

The Operation (Series)



Saving Life and Limb

Saving Life and Limb (ep 2)

Spinal Impact

The Mysteries of Cold Water Survival

  Breed All About It (Series)

Animal Operation (Series)
  Conjoined at the Head  
  Max's Magical Delivery: Fit for Kids

So You Are Thinking of Caring for a Child with Special Needs

Call Me If You Need Me

A Week in the Life of the DUMC Neonatal

Preparing for Spinal Surgery: For Teenagers with Severe Scoliosis

Arthroscopic Knee Surgery

Exercise Tolerance and Cardiolite Imaging: A Patient Orientation

The Hole in Sheldon's Chart

Caring for Your Central Line
From 'He' to 'She'

For as long as he could remember, John wanted only one thing….to be a woman. Even as a little boy, he could not stay out of his mother’s closet. So when he grew up, John did the only thing he could. He became a she. Read Full Synopsis...

Sexchange (2003)
Produced By: Deanie Wilcher
Written/Directed By: Kirk Streb
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For as long as he could remember, John wanted only one thing….to be a woman. Even as a little boy, he could not stay out of his mother’s closet. So when he grew up, John did the only thing he could. He became a she.

John became Jennifer and Jennifer became one of over seventy thousand people who live as transsexuals, or opposite from the sex they were at birth…one of the thousand per year who go to extraordinary lengths to correct nature’s error. Sexual reassignment surgery, or SRS, is expensive, painful and permanent. And it is often the final result of a long, sometimes torturous
struggle of those who have the mind and feelings of one sex, but the body of the other sex.

This program will explore the scientific, social and sexual dynamics of transsexuals as they evolve from male and female in every way, shape and form. What makes a male a male or a female a female? And, why are some of us born with a set of genitals that don’t match our psyche?



Cast and Credits

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