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Surviving Sextuplets & Twins
Plans Change.

Like many young married couples, Jon and Kate Gosselin planned on having children, but 8 children, all under the age of 4, were not exactly part of their plan. Plans change. They have sextuplets and twins! Read Full Synopsis...

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Surviving Sextuplets & Twins (2006)
Executive Producer: Bill Hayes
Producer/Writer/Director: Jen Stocks
Full Credit List


Room for more...?

Like many couples, Jon and Kate Gosselin planned on having children, but 8 children, all under the age of 4, were not exactly part of their plan. Plans change.

Kate had a "hunch" that she would have difficulty getting pregnant and she was right. She suffered from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which prevented her from ovulating on her own. Both she and Jon were desperate for a family, so they turned to fertility treatment. Almost immediately they were pregnant…with twins. They were thrilled.

Their twin girls, Maddy and Kara, were perfect and Jon and Kate couldn’t have been happier with their new family. But Kate had another “hunch”. She thought they should try for more. After all, the twins were pure joy, so why not add to that joy?

But the next round of fertility treatments gave them considerably more than they bargained for. Kate’s ultrasound was something neither of them would ever forget. One by one, 7 babies appeared on the screen. As each one was counted, Jon and Kate's excitement lessened. Both Jon and Kate are very honest about their feelings on this particular day- they were devastated. They didn't feel they could handle 9 children and certainly didn't think they could afford them.

Feeling strongly against reduction, Jon and Kate had to come to terms with their situation. Reproduction is a normal human event necessary for the survival of the human race, so infertility is simply not the normal course of events and will sometimes have exceptional results. They were to be a family of 10. In May of 2004, Kate gave birth to 6 babies (one fetus never developed), and the Gosselin's lives were changed forever.

In the beginning, Kate had help from many volunteers. Schedules and detailed instructions were posted all over the house. But eventually Kate was exhausted by
the constant parade of helpers and decided that she needed to take care of her babies on her own. Jon, an IT analyst, is gone Monday through Friday from 7am to 7pm. Kate's day is a nonstop rotating schedule of feeding, changing, napping, bathing. There are days when although her children are bathed and dressed, she isn't.

This "day in the life" will not only highlight the chaos of a family of multiples, it will also chronicle the emotional highs and lows that these parents experience each and every day. It is not Jon and Kate's intention to sugar-coat their lives. While they would not change one thing about their family and are totally in love with every single child, they do admit that there are many days when they truly feel like giving up and must rely on one another to get to the next day.


Surviving Sextuplets and Twins
Cast and Credits

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