Miracle Man: John of God

Conjoined at the Head

No Arms Needed

Unmasked: Treacher Collins Syndrome

Miracle Steps

Joined For Life

Transgender Teens

Saving Life and Limb


Joined for Life:
Abby and Brittany Turn 16

Breed All About It!


Share the Road


Spiritual Alliances



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Transgender Teens

Total Running Time: 50 minutes

Growing up isn’t easy—we all know that. The potent mix of hormones, peer pressure, self-discovery and family expectations leads almost every adolescent to look in the mirror at some point and ask… “Who am I?”

What if the overwhelming question was more basic… more disturbing… more life shattering? What if ever since you were 5 years old you looked in the mirror every day and asked, “What am I - a boy or a girl?” — This is the life of a “Trans" and the focus of the one hour documentary Transgender Teens.

It is a world where confusion reigns. Even defining the topic can be confusing… transgender, transsexual, transvestite… they are not the same things.

The simple definition of transgender is: a condition in which the physical sex of the individual does not match their gender identity. In short- their body appears to be one sex, while their brain says they’re the opposite sex. It's called gender dysphoria.

It is not a fetish. It is not a weekend hobby. It is not a result of bad parenting or abuse. It is not a choice. It is a birth condition. That is a fact that few understand. Although there are families who stand by their children through their transition, many are thrown out of their homes, often leading to a desperate life of depression, prostitution and even suicide.

Transgender Teens is gritty… shocking… heart wrenching… frightening… uplifting… informative…. enlightening and above all-- riveting. The viewers of this program may never hear the words “boy” or “girl” the same way again.

$29.99 + S&H



For trailer, credit, and additional show information: Click Here

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